Welcome to the Interclub Battle In The Surf Tournament

A competition between the Narragansett Surfcasters and the Newport Surfcasters

Begins 12:01 am September 25 and runs through 11:59 pm October 2
Eligible size for Striped Bass entries: 28”- 40”
All qualifying entries must be submitted to the designated club official for tabulation

Entries must include a picture or video clip showing fish next to a tape measure

Combined length of longest 3 striped bass determine winner

Special Lunker Trophy awarded to angler with longest single bass over 28”. Honorable mention for 2nd and 3rd place. Note- Lunker Award entries may be over 40” but will not count towards club trophy


Competing ClubTop three Striped BassTotal Length
Narragansett Surfcasters35, 35.5, 38103.5
Newport SurfcastersNo entries reported
Final results as of October 2, 11:59 PM